Transporting Goods From Coast to Coast
A Trusted Provider of Exceptional Delivery Services
Transporting Goods From Coast to Coast
A Trusted Provider of Exceptional Delivery Services

Rely on Us for All Your Trucking Needs
Located in Fort Myers, Florida, CALZONA LLC is an exceptional intermodal freight service that has roots in the trucking industry. Our team works hard to provide you with superior services.
Trust Our Experts
Rest easy knowing that we train all our employees to make sure that transfers are done seamlessly so that there is no time wasted during the delivery process. With our experienced drivers transporting your goods, we can efficiently send your packages and get them to their recipients on time and in the condition you sent them in.

Join Our Team
We are searching for seasoned drivers to deliver freight safely and promptly. Our team will be a vital part of reaching an exceptional level of service. Become a part of our crew now to help us build excellence.
Reach Out
For additional information about our company and what we offer, contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you.